
Group assignment -Q2

Q2. Should parent allow children under the age of 12 to go on the internet without adult supervision? Discuss.

  Most of the teenagers nowadays are internet friendly and are able to access to the internet by themselves. However, recently there is one phenomenon where there are more and more children are getting addicted to the cyber world. Therefore here is the argument states that should parent allow children under age of 12 to go online without adult supervision?

  Honestly have to say that the cyber world is full of information but there is also much temptation. There are many traps on the internet and internet violence that are waiting for those who are not mature enough to get deceive. We have to know that the internet is not only providing good messages, but there are also information that is not that suitable for children who are below 12 years old. For example is porn online. Children nowadays are more mature compare to the children in the past. They have very strong curiosity about the relationship between male and female. They are also curious about the body of their opposite sex. When the parents are not able to explain or teach them in this topic, they will try to search it online whiles the information online might not true and over exaggerate. They will belief on what they had seen and the worst thing will be they try to imitate what they had seen online.

  Besides that there are many cheater online are trying to know cheat the young lady. Girl at the age 10 to 12 are hopes to get attention from their family. When their families are not cautious about this, they might try to get attention from cyber world. There are many pervert online are searching for those young girl and cheat at them. They will first pretend to be caring and when they get their trust, they will ask those girls out and thus tragedy happens. There are many cases that the underage girl being abused by their online friends. Therefore adult supervision plays an important role in this.

  Besides that, children who are under the age of 12 years old are not mature enough to differentiate what is good and what is bad. They might get into some bad sites such as porn sites and hate crimes sites. Their thought will being influence and that will lead to a big problem if the parents do not correct their wrong thought on time. Besides that, children under age of 12 are not able to control themselves from being addicted to the online games. They might neglect their study and failed in their exam.

  Moreover, children who under age of 12 should be taught of basic internet safety such as do not give your home address and phone number to those who you know online. This is to prevent the children stumbling upon porn or falling prey to pedophiles. They should know what should they do when they online and what shouldn’t. 

  Therefore, adult supervision are important in avoiding children under age of 12 getting addicted to online games, pornography and avoiding from being the prey for those who intend to cheat online. It is not rational that parents allow children under the age of 12 to go on the internet without adult supervision.  

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